If you’re unfamiliar with China or you just don't get out much, you might not know that certain things are done a little differently around here. While China isn't as wild and wonderful as many people think back home and foreigners do have a little leeway in their behaviour, there are certain things that’ll land you with, at best, an eye roll, at worst, a spell in jail. For your perusal and edification, here are five things foreigners in China shouldn’t do.
Source: David Shankbone
Lose your cool
Bad China Days (BCD) can be frustrating to say the least, but losing your temper, whether it be with a shop owner or a customs official, is not only bad form, but could land you in a whole lot of trouble. Despite the loss of much of the renowned Chinese etiquett of old, the suppression of emotions is still a highly valued trait here.
Though not as hyper-suppressed as their Japanese neighbours, the Chinese still buzz like flies around public displays of anger due to the rarity of the spectacle. Not only will you attract a crowd of onlookers if you lose your cool, but many people will respond to your anger with total non-cooperation or get angry right back at you. Either way, it’s not a great outcome for you.
This isn’t America or the UK, where the angrier you get, the more you get. In fact, if tempers really flare and you end up in some kind of physical altercation, rest assured that the strong arm of the law will almost certainly come down hardest on a foreigner.
Embarrass someone
Honour is very important in China and can easily be lost. To lose your honour in public is known as “losing face,” and it’s kind of a big deal. It is therefore best to be especially careful about embarrassing anyone in China. That can include disrespect, insult and criticism of even the mildest form.
If you need to communicate something even slightly negative to a Chinese friend or colleague, it’s better to do it in private. Even a bit of light banter or sarcasm could turn out to be totally humiliating to a Chinese person.
Let it all hang out
I fully agree that the heat and humidity of the summers in southern China can be oppressive. Unfortunately, however, that doesn’t give you a free pass to trot through town with a whole lot of bare flesh on show.
Men don’t tend to take their shirts off in China. Even the relatively demur “Beijing Bikini,” where blokes roll up their tops to let their muffin tops air out, is frowned upon these days. You’ll only see a handful of labourers and a few toothless drunks going without their shirts in China’s rural villages. It’s not a good look, however nice your abs are.
The same basic principle applies to displays of female flesh. Despite 90-foot billboards of half-naked women everywhere you look, most Chinese ladies still dress relatively modestly. You may see the odd crop top and some pretty short shorts these days, but you’re very unlikely to see a woman in a bikini top or her bum cheeks on show outside of a beach or pool. Even then, most opt for one-piece swimming suits that leave much more to the imagination. So unless you enjoy being ogled and approached by horny guys on the street, it's best to keep the beach wear for the beach.
Let your visa expire
It’s easily done, but if you overstay your official welcome in China, expect to pay the price. Attempting to leave the country even a few days after your visa expires is going to land you in hot water. At best, you’ll get fined 500 RMB for every day you have overstayed. At worst, you could end up in immigration jail or banned from the country forever.
And remember that these things always take longer than you’d think in China. Put a reminder in your calendar at least three weeks before your visa is due to expire.
Insult China or Chinese food
Chinese people are very patriotic — a trait that only seems to be getting more pronounced with younger generations. You’ll likely find yourself receiving a warm welcome from most Chinese people, with their first questions being “Where are you from?”, “Do you like China?” and “Do you like Chinese food?” Feel free to answer the first question honestly, but be sure to answer the second and third in the affirmative, whatever your opinions may be.
However frustrating your morning at the bank was and however bad that mala tang is feeling in your guts right now, your new Chinese friend doesn’t want to know. You love China and you love the food. End of story.
Slagging off China to Chinese people is like someone outside your family talking trash about your mother. It may be true but it’s not anyone else’s place to say so.
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Keywords: foreigners in China things foreigners in China shouldn’t do
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Lose your cool if you speak Chinese. Otherwise don't. Respect is often given due to standing up to local people. Embarrass someone. Sometimes it's the best option, and we get some leeway as foreigners. Letting it all hang out.. err.. plenty of Chinese guys in the south walk around topless. However, if you have body hair, you're going to get a lot of negative attention. It is what it is. Expired visa. It's not that difficult to manage any more. It really isn't. An expired passport is worse but still manageable. China has streamlined a lot of these things, and in many ways, it's your own nation that will be the most difficult. Insulting China... misery loves company. You can find plenty of people who will criticise China and will appreciate your views that support their own. Naturally, I recommend avoiding those people, because you don't want a reputation as someone who complains about China... but it's not a no no any more. Unless it's related to the government. --- Don't try to live like a Chinese person. We're foreigners and will never be accepted as Chinese people. You can do everything you listed, because we are foreigners. We're on the outside and there's zero chance of being treated otherwise.
Sep 19, 2024 01:11 Report Abuse
Losing your cool: I have seen some loud arguments between Chinese people and it is very true that a crowd of onlookers quickly forms. Insult Chinese food: I am honest and point out some dishes I like and a few I dislike. Chinese food is varied and one can likely find a few dishes they enjoy. Nobody gets offended if you mention a few dishes you dislike as most Chinese people also have some dishes they dislike. As long as you make sure to point out more positive than negative dishes you will not upset anybody.
Jul 05, 2024 21:21 Report Abuse
Thanks for your comment. I am the author. Not losing your cool is definitely a Chinese, as well as an Asian thing. However, I have seen Chinese lose it before, and I was surprised at how fiery they can be if they want to. This is especially true if they have been drinking! In general though, they do keep their composure in all kinds of situations.
Nov 21, 2024 22:57 Report Abuse
I'm fine with treating locals with dignity and giving them face. They could also help by not saying childish things like 'hellooo, how are you?' every time I walk past. Respect has to go both ways.
Jun 10, 2024 21:18 Report Abuse
1) so it is ok for the Chinese to scream abuse at you (it has happened to me) when I kept my calm in the face of open hostility. 3) This is incorrect. You are unlikely to see a foreigner (unless young and male) wearing inappropriate clothing in public. However you are quite likely to see young Chinese women dressed in what a friend of mine described as 'prostitute clothes' in summer. 4) this is something drummed into foreign travelers before they arrive, so not likely at all. 5) Chinese should learn not to ask the questions "do you like China" or "do you like chinese food?" It is plain rude to ask these questions as some foreign cultures value honesty over face. Foreigners are asked all the time to align to local customs, which is fair enough, but this does not give Chinese free rein to ask questions only to claim ignorance of what it is appropriate to ask other cultures. This is a two way street.
May 24, 2024 18:18 Report Abuse
The problem is the questions are extremely general. I am also asked if America is safe and this is a complex answer. I have to explain that it varies a lot and it is important to research the city if you are traveling there. China and America are both huge countries with a lot of variety.
Jul 06, 2024 13:14 Report Abuse
https://beuhferme.com/ https://nicekok.com/ https://nicekok.com/kokain-preis/ https://nicekok.com/koks-kaufen/
Aug 23, 2024 09:00 Report Abuse
Agree. 很多情况都不能一概而论。就像我所知到的美国也有很多州禁枪,禁毒,治安问题实际上在每个州情况都会不同。就像性别平等问题在中国很复杂,饮食文化更复杂(拜托我们有八大菜系。。而且真的,猫,狗,鼠从来不是正统美食。。) 其他方面,只能说辩证的看待得到的新闻信息吧。
Dec 01, 2024 16:11 Report Abuse