Credit Cards, Cooking, and Criticism: 16 Differences Between Americans and Chinese

Credit Cards, Cooking, and Criticism: 16 Differences Between Americans and Chinese
Apr 07, 2015 By

9) Spending Habits

Chinese people put money in the bank in order to maintain stability and peace of mind.

Americans wildly spend money that they have not earned yet in order to maintain a certain standard of living.

10) Time With Friends

Chinese people like to get together with friends and go out to eat.

Americans like to get together with friends and go out to drink.

11) Karaoke

Chinese people like to go out in small groups and sing karaoke. In the United States, there are generally only spots for karaoke in Chinatown.

Americans prefer getting together at home.

12) Feelings About the Sun

Chinese people fear the sun, and want to be white, as not to be ugly. Chinese women especially, do not like the sun.

Americans are not afraid of the sun. They like tan skin. Super pale Americans even love the sun, the most intense the sun the better.

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Keywords: Differences China United States Chinese Americans Differences


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This was in a Chinese Wechat feed. Isn't it nice to know what the locals think of us?

Apr 13, 2015 23:17 Report Abuse


A lot of stereo types in this article.

Apr 13, 2015 12:21 Report Abuse


lol, stereotypes, stereotypes and more stereotypes...

Apr 08, 2015 16:44 Report Abuse


Great stereotypes, thanks for letting more Chinese read this crazy BS! :/

Apr 08, 2015 15:14 Report Abuse


oh ... my ... god

Apr 08, 2015 01:09 Report Abuse


I ve never heard anybody say "thank you I agree". The author is ignorant and biased.

Apr 07, 2015 23:55 Report Abuse


These sorts of articles are just to make people feel good about themselves: "we might have things bad here, but at least we are not like uncivilized foreigners." Really, ECC, this is the THIRD such pointless comparison article on this site since the start of the year. Why have them when most visitors to this site are not Chinese and can dispute the contents with real life experience?

Apr 07, 2015 12:46 Report Abuse


Yeah, my wife's brother is a house slave, so is his father for that matter... I have seen the number of vehicles on the road go up like 20 fold in the past eight years... I doubt everybody just amazingly got richer since the average salary in these parts is only 2k RMB.

Apr 07, 2015 15:52 Report Abuse


17. American guys screw Chinese girls, Chinese guys screw Apple. LOL

Apr 07, 2015 09:53 Report Abuse


I read the first few and I was like... okay... maybe... Then I kept going and I was like, "Nope... no way!" Tons of Chinese have credit card debt currently. This is where the terms "house slave" and "car slave" came from. Bathing and bank accounts is more of a personal preference... look up the term "joint account" which is something married couples use in Western countries. It is the law now to wear a seat belt in China, they are simply not used to them... I wouldn't say they don't like them. Many are wearing seat belts now. There is more but I think other commenters have already went over them. Sorry, but this article overall fails. I realize it was translated which means it was obviously written by a Chinese person. It is just amazing how little they know about their own country and the country they claim to compare China with...

Apr 07, 2015 09:35 Report Abuse


Holy crap this is so bad. Have you ever left China? Also, do you realize America is a continent and the USA is what you are actually trying to say, morons. "the most intense the sun the better." Proves you are an ignorant Chinese writer.

Apr 07, 2015 09:15 Report Abuse


I guess if we wanted to really get technically correct, America is actually two continents or land masses (North & South America). Right?

Apr 07, 2015 09:44 Report Abuse



Apr 07, 2015 09:50 Report Abuse


America is synonymous with the USA. It's well founded and understood that Americans are from the USA. If you dont believe me, try to use "United Statesian" instead of American in a sentence and see the odd looking blank stares. Granted, there are 2 main continents, North America and South America. Almost all people dont say "Im from South America", but rather "Im Brazilian, or Im Argentinean" etc. People from the USA will usually say they are from America, (hence American) or simply "the states".

Apr 07, 2015 14:49 Report Abuse


But really, if we got super technical America is a single continent and the Americas is two continents. Plurals and all.

Apr 07, 2015 15:52 Report Abuse


Okay, now let's be fair to the Chinese, the real question here is: why would you chose a blog post that has close to zero influence therefore represents nothing and no one, to serve the usual ridiculous contents and stereotypes we all know about already? ECC, seriously, I knew you could get really lazy sometimes, but this is way beyond the line. Of course if you base yourself on random blog posts you can dig as much stupid contents as you want in any language.

Apr 07, 2015 09:04 Report Abuse


I agree it's over simplified but there is a core of truth there and the tone is generally not negative so much as highlighting the differences. If they'd taken the time to expand on most of those points I don't think we'd disagree with them too much.

Apr 12, 2015 10:45 Report Abuse


1. Chinese do not criticize themselves. And, they are very fast to criticize others behind the person's back. It is usually full of lies and distortions of the facts. And, yes, Americans are often too PC for their own good. 2. Fair statement for the most part. Although, it is uncommon for Chinese to give gifts that are not cash. And, when it is a gift, it is seldom wrapped. 3. Some truth to this, but also wrong. It is a stereotype comment mostly. I think Chinese parents get very little sense of accomplishment from their children. They are seen mostly as social security for old age. And, Americans take great pride in their children's accomplishments. All accomplishments are celebrated. 4. I have to agree with this one...mostly. Although, many Americans have begun to take care of their aging parents much better. Homes are used when special health care is required. We seldom use nursing homes as a dumping ground of our parents because they are too old. 5. Also agree with this one. Parents work hard and save for their retirement in America. But, many grandparents will help with the grandchildren. But, since American families do not share one house, it is perceived differently than in China. 6. This is total BS. Chinese women will patiently wait for the man to get engaged. I have yet to see any of my Chinese women friends be so forthcoming. And, in many cases, the girl will get pregnant to force the issue of marriage in China. In America, women are becoming more and more independent. They may still wait for the traditional engagement announcement from her lover. But, she is also very bold in pushing that announcement. 7. 99% agree. With high divorce rates in America, it is smart thinking. 8. Few Chinese can qualify for credit cards. And, the government makes it hard. But, many Chinese are highly in debt through other loan services. Many Americans are still in debt. But, the trend of credit card debt is changing in America. After the economic crisis, many have changed their spending and savings habits. 9. OMG...totally wrong. Younger generational Chinese have no concept of savings. They spend their money on new phones, new clothes, internet shopping, cars, houses, and piss their money away. Actually, I am dumbfounded as to how they can afford such things in their life with the salaries they get paid. And, Americans have begun to learn to save money and invest money better since the 2008 crisis. Yes, Americans still spend more than they should. But, the "keeping up with the Jones" he dying away. 10. Well, this is a terrible comparison. Chinese like to go to a restaurant or KTV to do their drinking. Americans like to go to clubs and bars to do their drinking. As for quality time with friends, Chinese usually limit their choices to restaurants and KTV. Americans like a much larger variety of locations to go enjoy time with friends. 11. Totally agree. And, Chinese people can have their KTVs. Give me a live band or a dance club any night. 12. Yup!!!! 13. Perhaps. Depends if sex is involved at night. 14. And that is why China only has rice, noodles, dumplings, and stir fry. 15. Americans have been trained to use them. And, it is not really a bad idea. 16. China has grass??? Where??? Please show me so I can go lay out on a nice spring day. And, that is the reason China puts out signs to stay off the grass. When they can get it to grow in a small locations, they treat it as a rarity.

Apr 07, 2015 08:52 Report Abuse


senseless; this absolutely not true therefore, thank you--i don't agree

Apr 07, 2015 08:46 Report Abuse


'Thank you, I agree' ha

Apr 07, 2015 08:14 Report Abuse